Bill Maher Mocks Don Lemon to His Face for Trying to Play the Race Card: ‘C’mon’

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

On a recent episode of his HBO show, Bill Maher had a contentious exchange with Don Lemon about identity politics and victimhood.

When Lemon claimed he lives in “uncomfortable spaces” as a black, gay man, Maher questioned what he meant given only three people were in the room.

Lemon said the current college protests and the subsequent consequences “teaches some of the students to deal with discomfort, right?”

Maher asked, “you mean living in the tent?”

“Well, living in the tent, but also — listen, I’m different than you guys,” Lemon said.

Lemon struggled to explain, saying as a minority he’s often the only person of color.

Maher rebutted there were only three people there.

While meant as a joke, Maher was pushing Lemon to substantiate his claim rather than make vague appeals to victimhood.

Lemon did not provide clear examples, suggesting he raised his identity mainly to bolster his argument rather than offer real insight.