Humiliating: Kamala Harris Embarrasses Herself on World Stage, Fumbles Basic Question With Numerous ‘Uhs’ and ‘Ums’

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

Kamala Harris escaped Washington, D.C. for a trip to Asia where she still managed to embarrass the U.S. and humiliate herself.

As expected, Harris was asked about the chaos unfolding in Afghanistan and fumbled her response.

The amount of stumbling and number of “uhs” and “ums” were simply too much to ignored.

Turning Point USA’s Benny Johnson even wrote on Twitter that it appeared Harris needed to reference her notes to answer a basic question.

The incident occurred in Singapore at a joint news conference with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

A Reuters reporter noted how Afghans have been trampled and have died as they attempted to flee the country. The reporter also mentioned there are still American citizens stuck in the capital city of Kabul.

Then the reporter asked what went wrong.

Harris responded by saying there is “plenty of time to analyze” what happened regarding the troop withdrawal.

She continued to say the Biden administration is “singularly focused on evacuating American citizens, Afghans who worked with us and Afghans who are vulnerable” such as children and women.

“Then things seemed to get tougher for the VP,” notes Jacob Gurney at Western Journal.

“I mean the president has, I think, shown great emotion in expressing, uh, sadness about some of the images we have seen, but we cannot be, um, in any way, um, distracted in any way from what must be our primary mission right now, which is evacuating people from that region who, who deserve to be evacuated,” Harris said.

Here’s Johnson’s response:

Watch the clip here:

More from Western Journal:

It’s unclear whether Harris was actually checking her notes, as Johson wrote, or was merely stumbling with an answer because she knew she had to choose her words carefully. But either way, the moment was not reassuring.

It is easy for viewers to come away with a feeling that the Biden administration does not have a plan and is not organized when it comes to the situation in Afghanistan. After all, a question on Afghanistan was inevitable in a news conference like this, and Harris should have had an authentic answer ready at hand…

It is simply embarrassing to herself and the entire Biden administration. A vice president should not have to stumble to find words to communicate how the president is feeling regarding any given situation — let alone, when it comes to something as simple as the president feeling “sad” about a disaster that everyone, on both sides of the aisle, has seen unfold on television.

It is difficult to decide if this incident reflects worse on Harris or Biden. Did she stumble over her words because she is not sure she’s aware of what the Biden administration is doing? Are she and her boss not on the same page?

Or, did Harris have to choose her words carefully because she is aware of Biden’s past indifference toward the Afghan people and wanted to make sure she only used wording that would stand up to public scrutiny?

Either way, this response sounds scripted at its best and cringe-inducing at its worst. It is robotic, and there is no genuine concern that comes through.