R-rated Comedies Return After Backlash Against ‘Woke’ Films

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

In a resurgence of R-rated comedies, movies like Will Ferrell’s “Strays” are pushing boundaries with humor, featuring characters indulging in explicit content.

This revival of risqué comedies follows a hiatus in the genre over the past decade.

Jennifer Lawrence’s “No Hard Feelings” set the tone when it premiered in June, sparking controversy due to its edgy humor and age-gap romantic storyline.

Despite the genre’s comeback, navigating raunchy comedy can be challenging, with concerns about objectification, sexism, and misogyny.

Some stars and filmmakers have expressed reservations about the content in older raunchy comedies and its reception in today’s culture of heightened sensitivity.

However, comedians like Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan continue to discuss the evolving landscape of comedy and the challenges posed by increasing censorship.

The nature of comedy itself means that some jokes may not age well, but the genre’s resilience persists.

While raunchy humor remains a popular choice for audiences, it now incorporates more diverse casts and cultural backgrounds, expanding its appeal.

Despite the challenges, the revival of these comedies demonstrates a continued demand for irreverent humor, even in a changing societal landscape.