Super Bowl Ad Honoring Military & First Responders Rejected By CBS

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

A 45-second commercial for the veteran-owned company Nine Line Apparel was rejected by CBS.

The pro-American flag ad is narrated by U.S. Marine Mark Geist, who survived the Benghazi attack, with the theme “just stand.”

It’s unclear why CBS rejected the ad. It’s widely speculated that many major corporations have gone “woke” and won’t support standing for the National Anthem. Fortunately, you can watch the ad below. (Poll: Should Athletes Kneel During National Anthem? VOTE)

Beginning in 2016, players like failed quarterback Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL as a backdrop to promote far-left social activism.

“Some people think you’re crazy for being loyal, defending the Constitution, standing for the flag. Then I guess I’m crazy,” Geist said in the ad.

“For those who kneel, they fail to understand that they can kneel, that they can protest, that they can despise what I stand for, even hate the truth that I speak, but they can only do that because I am crazy enough.” (Poll: Who Should Win the Presidency In 2024? VOTE)

Nine Line Apparel CEO Tom Merritt was furious when CBS told him that they would not run the ad.

“CBS’s purported reason for rejecting a Super Bowl commercial that extols patriotism is totally out of bounds,” Merritt said.

“Let’s call this what it is: a blatant attempt to censor a message that their politically correct executives find offensive. We urge Americans who believe it’s important to show respect for our flag and national anthem to join us in calling out this offensive bias. It’s time to give a penalty flag to CBS.”

CBS is facing severe criticism over its decision.

It’s mind-boggling that being patriotic and respecting the American flag has become too controversial.

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