Biden Slammed For ‘Racist’ Remark About ‘African American And Hispanic Workers’

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

A video is going viral of President Joe Biden saying that the “workers without high school diplomas” in the U.S. are “African American and Hispanic workers.”

“We’ve created 13.4 million new jobs,” Biden claimed. “We not only recovered all the jobs we lost during the pandemic, we’ve added millions more.”

“We’ve seen record lows in unemployment, particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high-school diplomas,” he continued. “The lowest unemployment rate in 70 years for women now.”

Biden’s offensive comments came during a speech at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland.

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT), who is black, said, “Another day, another racist comment from Biden. Crickets from the mainstream media.”

“I keep saying I am almost 51 years old and Joe Biden is the most explicitly racist president in my lifetime,” said attorney Aaron Walker. “Good lord.”

National GOP spokeswoman Madison Gesiotto Gilbert said, “Nooo, he didn’t.”

Later in the speech, Biden appeared to admit that he discriminated when hiring his cabinet and judicial nominations.

“You know, and, by the way, when I got elected, I promised that I wanted an administration that would look like America,” Biden said.

“I got more women in the Cabinet than any president has ever in history. And I got more women — more women than men in the Cabinet,” he said.

“And I put more black women on the appellate court and the Supreme Court than every other president combined in American history.”