Democrats Balk At Hunter Biden Gun Charges Because He’s A Drug Addict

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

In an amazing turn of events, it appears many Democrats have suddenly become advocates for gun rights after Hunter Biden was charged with three federal gun crimes.

The disgraced presidential son faces 25 years in prison. He was kicked out of the Navy for being addicted to crack cocaine, then allegedly lied on a federal form in order to purchase a firearm.

Democrats, who are known for criticizing and undermining the Second Amendment, are attempting to justify Hunter’s actions.

Hunter is indicted on three felony charges for falsifying information on a background check to purchase a firearm.

Biden White House advisor Keisha Lance Bottoms says she’s “never heard” of somebody being prosecuted for the crime Hunter has been alleged to have committed.

Notably, Bottoms is a former attorney, judge, and mayor of Atlanta. She also seems to suggest the law itself is problematic for drug users, making it “an onerous procedure for them to attain a firearm.”

“Can anyone tell me how many people have been federally indicted for purchasing a gun while dealing with substance abuse issues?” she asked on the X social media platform.

“I don’t know the answer, but in my over 29 years as an attorney, I have never heard of it,” she added.

Comedian Tim Young responded, “Keisha thinks crackheads should be able to buy guns… got it.”

Christina Pushaw, the Rapid Response Director for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), asked if Bottoms beleives “crack users should be free to purchase firearms.”

Michael Fienman, a criminal defense attorney located in Philadelphia, argued that charges for lying on the gun form are common.

“Prosecutors often bring charges regardless of whether the applicant made a false statement by accident, or in a deliberate attempt to obtain a firearm,” he wrote.

Gun rights advocate Chris Loesch said, “One of the biggest problems with the advocation of new gun laws is the inability or disregard of current gun laws by activist progressive prosecutors.”

“Tens of thousands of violations go unnoticed and unreported every year and that leads to many tragedies.”