The 2024 Presidenial Race Is Over

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

There are only two options for president in 2024: former President Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

Re-electing Biden would be a disaster for the country. Americans are witnessing the catastrophic impact of the Biden administration, particularly in regards to the economy and illegal immigrant surge at the southern border.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said, “This race is over.” (Trending: Democrat Abruptly Leaves Party, Joins GOP)

A Washington Post and ABC poll shows Trump currently leads Biden by a whopping 10 points.

“Donald Trump will be the nominee,” Gingrich continued. “They might as well quit having the various debates, cause they don’t work. They’re not helping anybody.”

“I think the Republican National Committee should cancel the future debates, and say, ‘look, we recognize the objective fact that Trump will be the nominee. We want to work with him,’” Gingrich said.

“And then the next big hurdle is a totally corrupt judicial system, which is trying every way it can to deny the American people the right to have the candidate that they’re choosing.” (Trending: Illegal Alien Arrested For Disturbing Crime After Biden Release)

Trump agreed with this analysis. “They have to stop the debates,” Trup said. “Because it is just bad for the Republican Party. They are not going anywhere.”

“There is not going to be a breakout candidate,” Trump said. “I am very concerned about the RNC not being able to do their job.”

Gingrich said Demcorats are trying to handicap his electoral chances through “doing everything they can legally, because they can’t do anything politically.”

Trump skipped the first two GOP debates.

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