Bill Maher Unveils New Nickname For Biden

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

“Real Time” host Bill Maher recently compared President Joe Biden to late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, saying the 80-year-old shouldn’t go for re-election.

“Someone has to convince President Biden that if he runs again he’s going to turn the country back over to Trump.”

“Go down in history as Ruth Bader Biden,” Maher said.

The host was referencing Ginsburg’s refusal to leave the Supreme Court under the Obama Administration, ultimately leading to Donald Trump’s appointment of GOP Justice Amy Coney Barrett when Ginsburg passed away. (Trending: Trump Makes The Biggest Promise Of His Political Career)

Maher went on, “Look, at some point perception becomes reality. What matters is voters think Biden’s too old.”

“What matters is he’s gonna lose to Trump — who’s almost the same age, but his age just doesn’t read like Biden’s.”

“[Trump] looks robust, and Joe looks like his own skeletal remains.”

Donald Trump recently made similar statements, saying, “No, [Biden’s] not too old at all. He’s grossly incompetent.” (Trending: Woman Raised in USSR Says Biden’s DOJ Acts Like KGB)

“You look at some of the great world leaders. I mean, Churchill, so many people — they were phenomenal in their 80s. But if you go back 25 years, [Biden] wasn’t the sharpest tack.”

Recent polls showed that over three-quarters of American adults believe Biden is too aged for re-election.

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