14 Straight Seconds of Biden’s Brain Malfunctioning: Is This the Worst Yet?

OPINION | This article contains the author's opinion.

President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline appears to worsen drastically with each passing month.

In October 2022, a 12-second video clip went viral of Biden as he struggles to put together a coherent thought. Watch for yourself:

“What language is this?” one person asked.

More recently, Biden spoke at the White House after signing a bill to avoid a potential railroad shutdown.

As reporters asked questions, Biden proceeded to deliver 14 seconds of “utter incoherence.”


Undoubtedly, the person who creates transcripts for the White House has one of the most difficult jobs in the world because Biden’s words are often unintelligible.

When asked if he will campaign for Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock in Georgia against Republican Herschel Walker, Biden said, “I’m going to Georgia today to help Senator Warren.”

“Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Warnock are not the same person,” Bryan Chai of Western Journal notes.

“Not to Georgia,” Biden continued, attempting to clarify himself. “I’m going to help Senator Warren to them to do a major fundraiser up in Boston today.”

“For, for the, uh, our next and continued Senate candidate and senator,” Biden said.

Many American correctly believe this unintelligible and incoherent rambling isn’t an isolated incident, but a regular occurrence.

Here are a few more clips: