Victoria Jackson, a former cast member of “Saturday Night Live,” has announced that she is facing an inoperable tumor, which is affecting her windpipe and results in a life expectancy of approximately three years.
In a heartfelt social media video, Jackson expressed her hope that a newly prescribed medication could shrink the tumor.
“I looked up the pill on Google and it says people who take this have 32.6 months to live — something like that,” Jackson said.
Reflecting on her life and faith, she shared her thoughts on mortality, mentioning that she feels a sense of communication with God and desires to witness significant family events, like the births of her grandchildren.
Despite her diagnosis, Jackson conveyed gratitude for her life and a desire for a peaceful passing.
“The Bible says we have threescore and ten — that would be 70 — years for a normal life. Not, you know — don’t count the Methuselah types who lived to 900 back in the day,” she said.
“I’ve had a fantastic life,” she said.
“I thought the other night, while I way laying in the dark in bed, I thought I heard God say, ‘ready to come home?’ It was the weirdest thing, and I thought, ‘Is that my imagination or is that God?’”
“But the Bible says, ‘My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me.’ He didn’t say it like, ‘You’re coming home now!’ … He just kind of said it like we were hanging out, like, ‘Ready to come home now?’”
“And I kind of said, ‘Well, you know, this earth is kind of exploding right now with satanic things.”
“‘Well, “I’d like to see my grandson born — his name is Jimmy — in October and get to know [him] a little and I would like to see my daughter Aubrey have a baby,” Jackson recalled telling God.
“You know, we’re all dying, but when when you kind of see in print you have 32.6 months, it makes you think, you know?”
“But I wouldn’t change anything.”
“I think I’d like to ask God if I could die in my sleep, though.”
She is known for her work on “SNL” from 1986 to 1992 and has appeared in various television shows and films. Jackson was previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016.