New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew claimed that mysterious drones spotted in the state are being launched from a mothership off the East Coast, criticizing Pentagon officials for not being transparent about the situation. He suggested that the drones could be linked to Iran or other adversaries and expressed frustration that the Pentagon has not analyzed the drones or disclosed their origins. Van Drew stated, “These drones very well could be launched from a ship. It could be hundreds of miles out at sea. These types of drones go much greater distances … Could it be China? Absolutely. Could it be somebody else? It sure could.”
Van Drew said, “They don’t know what it is. They don’t know what it’s about. They haven’t taken one down to analyze it. They have no idea where it came from.”
Van Drew added, “We are not being told the truth.”
Despite the Pentagon’s denial of any connection to Iran, Van Drew and other politicians, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, argued that the government is withholding crucial information from the public.
The drones have been seen frequently since November 18, raising concerns among residents and officials, although authorities have stated they pose no threat.
Greene said, “Number one, I’m gonna call it total [expletive] that no one knows what these are, and I think it’s a slap in the face to the American people to say they don’t know what this is.”
Greene stated, “They can track down a guy that just killed a CEO, but they can’t identify what [these] nightly drones are and where they’re coming from. I think that is absolutely disgusting to lie to the American people like this.”
Greene added, “Secondly, if they’re telling the truth, this country is in horrible shape. We’re all in danger. I mean, seriously, if our great government can’t identify what these drones are — that are flying every single night and people are sitting out there videoing with their cell phones — then no American is safe.”
Greene said, “I think our Pentagon knows. Our Pentagon should know,” concluding, “If they don’t know, they need to resign in shame. That’s what I think and we need people in charge who can know. But I don’t buy it at all.”